Elegant Creations Yorkshire Wedding Fair Organiser

Elegant Creations Yorkshire organise wedding events.


Contact: Elegant Creations
01274 595674 /07855 769769 /07855 790728
01274 595674 /07855 769769 /07855 790728

Events Schedule

We are not aware of any wedding fairs currently organised by Elegant Creations Yorkshire. If you know of a wedding fair we should feature then please tell us about it. Please bookmark this page to check back later.

Information for exhibitors

Please contact Lynne on 01274 503109/07855 769765 or Carole on 01274 595674 07855 790728
Email: elegant.creations@live.co.uk Twitter@ElegantCreatio2

NEW website & Facebook launching soon.

We look forward to welcoming you to our exhibitions.